Elba Events 2021

Sailing Elba CVMM competitive season ended

Elba The 2021 competitive season of the Sailing club Marciana Marina has ended.

Marciana Marina (Elba Island), 21 December 2021 – With the last scheduled appointment – in Liguria on the occasion of the Imperia Winter Regatta – the 2021 season of the youth competitive team of the Sailing club has ended Marciana Marina .
Also this year, due to the health emergency, the season has been rather short, but the young sailors from Marin have committed themselves to the highest levels not only on the regatta fields, but also in the training sessions on the Elban sea which were always held under the guidance of Fabrizio Marzocchini.

The 2021 youth competitive team of the Sailing club  Marciana Marina Elba Island

As always, the Imperia appointment proved to be very demanding for the crew composed of Alessio Caldarera and Thomas Trentini this year passed from the L’equipe class to the 420 class, a really demanding class especially for the high number of participants. also on this occasion almost a hundred boats on the starting line.
Despite the difficulties due to the weather conditions – no wind on the first day, strong north-easterly wind and wave formed in the second and some failures in the third that forced the boys at the retreat the balance can be considered positive: “The boys behaved very well – commented the coach Fabrizio on his return to the island – They proved to have a good pace especially in the uprising with the spinnaker while they are still a bit ‘in difficulty at the start, but on the other hand it was their third participation in the regatta this year in this very numerous class ”.

As for the other CVMM sailors the 420 crew made up of Antonio Salvatorelli and Paolo Arnaldi, after a good start to the season, had to stop for a while for study reasons .
The crews of the youngest who raced with the L’Equipe Evo boat switched in September to the new double boat desired by FIV, the RS Feva: Zion Mazzei / Riccardo Coppo and Linda Gipponi / Ana Allori have took part in Dervio, on Lake Como, in the Italian Youth Championships in doubles classes. Also in this case the first participation in this class was very demanding with over 100 crews lined up on the regatta course . Now winter training will begin with the two new boats purchased by CVMM ”.

The appointments for the next competitive season are not yet final at the moment, but this year’s crews will certainly take part in the tests of the national circuit both in the 420 class and in the RS Feva. In this last class, new “pink” crews are already being formed after the winter training sessions that will begin the competitive season with the summer zonal regattas.

Elba Association of Social and Cultural Promotion of Sardinia

Elba Island the Sardinian Social and Cultural Promotion Association – CIRCOLO BRUNO CUCCA

Elba in solidarity with Sardinia for € 3,500.00. The solidarity campaign launched by the Circolo Bruno Cucca ended with the sending of donations to FASI. Donations donated to the Bruno Cucca Club in support of the areas and communities dramatically affected and marked by the fires that raged in Sardinia last July amounted to € 3,514.00. On 2 November, the president of the club, Aventino Schirru, sent the entire sum raised thanks to the solidarity campaign launched this summer to FASI, the
Federation of Sardinian Associations in Italy.

Elba Association of Social and Cultural Promotion of Sardinia

Also following the call for mobilization launched by FASI itself, which immediately called together the federated Sardinian Associations to help the territories devoured by flames. An invitation received by the Circolo Bruno Cucca which immediately activated by appealing to the territorial institutions, from the Municipalities to the National Park, called to make men, skills and resources available to Sardinia.

The first to answer was the Municipality of Capoliveri , in the person of the mayor Walter Montagna, who first made to post the flag of the four Moors outside the Town Hall and then sponsored the collection of donations started by Bruno Cucca from the Capoliveri merchants. Finally, again as a sign of solidarity, it approved a cash contribution.

Elba in solidarity with Sardinia for € 3,500.00 - Sardinian Social and Cultural Promotion Association

At Capoliveri this summer another very precious initiative was launched, “Via Roma c’is”, on the initiative of Piera Doppiu and Jessica Muti, whose lottery was able to count on the generosity of many local businesses for the prizes offered.
Sensitive and ready to respond to the request for help launched by the Board of the Sardinian Club of Elba also the Mola Nautical Club and the Novac di Capoliveri.
Numerous, moreover, the citizens who individually responded to the appeal of Bruno Cucca, also through the collection started with the collaboration of the Capoliveri commercial activities. “To each of them, as well as to the municipal administration and to the Novac di Capoliveri, to the Mola Nautical Club and to the promoters of the Via Roma initiative, there is the Club’s gratitude”, comments Aventino Schirru. The president of the Sardinian Elba Association will symbolically deliver the 3,514.00 euros to the president of FASI, Serafina Mascia, on the occasion of the National Council of the Federation scheduled in Milan in early December.

Enduro Vintage Trophy 2021

The historical re-enactment of the six days of 1981 on the Island of Elba , the Enduro Vintage Trophy . France won the Trophy with the pilots Peterhansel, Viardot and Charbonnel. Second place for Germany and third step of the podium for Spain. The Vintage Silver Vase was won by the Italians with the Moto Club Pantera team, with the riders Mazzoni, Bettini and Graziani.

The best individual performance was for the French Stephane Peterhansel on Yamaha 250, in 57’46.93 second and third best time for the Italians Matteo Rubin with KTM 250 58’20.52 and Paolo Giulietti KTM 495 58’56.22

Great satisfaction for the beautiful event attended by 400 athletes of 15 nationalities. 357 pilots who managed to finish the competition.

Enduro Vintage Trophy 2021

Findanno while preparing for the start of the Enduro Elba acceleration test
Revival Six day Enduro Elba 2015 closed park
Revival Six day Enduro Elba 2015 closed park
Revival Six day Enduro Elba 2015 closed park

Elba Swim 647

Elba Swim 647, sponsored by the Municipality of Marciana Marina , is a 6.47 NM swim, from the Spiaggia delle Ghiaie with passage to Capo Enfola and arrival at the Moletto Beach in Marciana Marina, scheduled for 23 October 2021.

150 swimmers, between professionals and amateurs, will compete in a charity marathon between Spiaggia delle Ghiaie and Marciana Marina.

There are three routes that will touch the north coast of the island. Elba Swim 647 is a stage of Abbracciamoli Tour 2021, a series of sporting events throughout Italy, mainly swimming ultramarathons and open water crossings organized by Abbracciamoli ONLUS. The purpose of Abbracciamoli is the fight against childhood leukemia and all proceeds from the events are dedicated to pediatric hematoncology departments, usually identified in the area where the event takes place.

The swim is reserved for a maximum number of 150 swimmers with experience in open water runs. Assistance and safety are provided by Elba Diving Center, by the Circolo della Vela Marciana Marina and Sea Kayak Italy with medical staff on board and ashore that guarantees the safety of swimmers. Also for this edition the CVMM will make available the means that will follow the swimmers and will offer all participants a small gift of local production. Elba Swim 647, Elba Swim 647 Middle and Elba Swim 647 One Third, are the three different distances that differ in the kilometers traveled, respectively 12, 6 and 3.5.

This is the fourth edition of a swim, in the splendid sea of ​​Elba, which has the dual objective of helping the fight against childhood leukemia and recalling environmental responsibility which cannot be ignored for everyone’s health and future; it is a project that, by putting man at the center, combines the environment, health, sociality. For our athletes it becomes a moment of challenge, and a gesture of respect at the same time, towards children in difficulty, towards an environment that we are required to protect why? wonderful, unique but so fragile.

Hence the collaboration with MAREVIVO to enhance and protect even the sea where we want to live our passion and demonstrate that even with small gestures and with attention it is possible? improve the impact on the environment.

In this edition # 4 we will host the “Albatros Progetto Paolo Pinto” Association, created to commemorate Paolo Pinto, the extraordinary world champion in long-distance swimming, author of epic crossings; the association will dedicate a special prize specially created for Elba Swim 647.

The event also avails itself of the support of Enervit S.p.A., a leading company in sports food supplementation and functional nutrition, and of Speedo Italia, a leading brand in the world of Swimwear; The winners will be awarded by Acqua dell’Elba to emphasize the colors and scents of the island.

Further information is available on the websites: www.cvmm.it and www.abbracciamoli.it

FIM Enduro Vintage Trophy 2021

Appointment from 20 to 23 October with the international event on Elba Enduro Vintage Trophy 2021.
A few days and off to Elba Enduro Vintage Trophy 2021 – re-enactment of the international event, which returns to the Island of Elba 40 years after the triumph of the ‘Red Helmets’ at the Six Days of Enduro in 1981.
There will be 8 teams for the Trophy and 89 at Vaso, together with 109 individually registered riders, ready to challenge each other in the special stages (Enduro Test , Cross Test and Acceleration) provided in the following program.

Enduro Vintage Trophy 2021 – Race program

Monday 18th October

2.00 pm: Paddock opening

Tuesday 19th October

From 2.00 pm to 6.00 pm: Preliminary Operations

Wednesday 20 October

From 8.00 to 16.00: Preliminary Operations
18.00: presentation of national teams

Day 1 Elba FIM Enduro Vintage Trophy

Thursday 21 October

– 8.30 am: start of the first competitor
– Enduro Test ‘Elvetelba’
– Cross Test ‘Buraccio’
– Enduro Test ‘Filetto’ ( Marina di Campo )
– Acceleration test Viale Zambelli (Portoferraio)

Download pdf Day 1 Elba Enduro Vintage Trophy 2021

Day 2 Elba FIM Enduro Vintage Trophy

Friday 22 October

– 8.30 am: start of the first competitor
– Enduro Test ‘Salicastro’
– Cross Test ‘Buraccio’
– Enduro Test ‘Elvetelba’
– Acceleration Test Viale Zambelli ( Portoferraio )

Download pdf Day 2 Elba Enduro Vintage Trophy 2021

Prova accelerazione Elba FIM Enduro Vintage Trophy

Acceleration test

Download pdf Acceleration Test Enduro Vintage Trophy 2021

Day 3 Elba FIM Enduro Vintage Trophy

Saturday 23 October

– 9.00: Cross ‘Buraccio’ test

– 17.30: awards

Download pdf Day 3 Elba Enduro Vintage Trophy 2021

Enduro Vintage Trophy



Registered for the Trophy

Registered in the Vase

Individually registered

Findanno while preparing for the start of the Enduro Elba acceleration test
Revival Six day Enduro Elba 2015 closed park
Revival Six day Enduro Elba 2015 closed park
Revival Six day Enduro Elba 2015 closed park

Ligurian Elba, Liguria Elba – Raffaello Brignetti centenary of his birth

Monday 4th October in Marciana Marina conference dedicated to Raffaello Brignetti on the centenary of his birth

“Ligurian Elba, Liguria Elba”: this is the title of the meeting to be held on Monday 4 October, at 5 pm, at the Cinema Metropolis in Via Vadi in Marciana Marina to remember the close ties between the island of Elba and the Tigullio starting from a significant figure of the Italian literary scene, Raffaello Brignetti who had roots in the town of Camogli while in Marciana Marina and in Elba he spent a good part of his life.

Raffaello Brignetti centenary of his birth

Talking about the man and his work some of those who knew and frequented him on the Island of Elba, in addition to the mayors of two municipalities, Gabriella Allori and Francesco Olivari, the two councilors for culture Santina Berti and Elisabetta Anversa, at the Prof. Francesco De Nicola of the University of Genoa. Introduced by the journalist Patrizia Lupi, director of the magazine: Enjoy Elba and the Tuscan Archipelago, while the journalist Roberto Pettinaroli, head of the nineteenth century, will talk about the social, cultural and commercial ties between the two shores of the Tyrrhenian Sea. The actor Franco Giannoni will read some passages from the writer’s works while Paolo Ferruzzi will recall Brignetti a> and other authors, born or who have attended Elba , to sow the seeds of a literary park and artistic to be carried out on the island.

Organized by the Pro Loco of Marciana Marina in the Elban headquarters, the conference will be repeated on 21 October at 4.30 pm in Camogli at the Teatro Sociale with the participation of Ligurian scholars and experts.

Raffaello Brignetti was born on 21 September 1921 on the island of Giglio, from ancestors from Camogli, who had taken refuge in Elba at the time of the Napoleonic invasion, son of a lighthouse keeper, Brignetti lived part of his life in Marciana Marina, a few years in the Medici tower on the port , symbol of the town.

During the war he fought in Greece, was taken prisoner by the Germans and interned in a concentration camp in Germany, where he met Giovanni Guareschi. After the liberation, he graduated in Contemporary Italian Literature in Rome with Ungaretti, with a thesis on Italian and foreign writers of the sea, focusing in particular on the work of Vittorio G. Rossi. He began to collaborate with various newspapers (including “Il Corriere della Sera” and “Il Secolo XIX”) and to write novels, until he obtained important awards. With “The blue seagull” he won the Viareggio Prize in 1967, with “The Golden Beach”, in 1971 he won the Strega Prize, the most prestigious literary prize in Italy. The attention of critics also includes “La riva di Charleston”, “Death by water”, “The drift”, Allegro speaker “. He continues to write even after a terrible car accident that will force him into a wheelchair. He died in Rome on February 7, 1978. The Raffaello Brignetti-Isola d’Elba annual literary prize is dedicated to him.

MARCIANA MARINA: Metropolis Cinema

Monday 4 October

17.00 Greetings: Gabriella Allori, mayor of Marciana Marina; Francesco Olivari, Mayor of Camogli
17.20 Patrizia Lupi, Director Enjoy Elba and the Tuscan Archipelago: “Culture for sustainable tourism”
17.30 Roberto Pettinaroli, head of the 19th century: “The links between the two shores del Tirreno “
17.40 Elisabetta Anversa, Councilor for Culture of Camogli:” Tigullio 2024: Capital of culture? “
17.50 Francesco De Nicola, UniGe teacher:” Brignetti in the literature of the ‘900 “
18.10 Alberto Brandani, president of the jury of the Raffaello Brignetti Prize: “Brignetti and the Elba Island Literary Prize”
18.25 Manrico Murzi, poet and writer: “Raffaello Brignetti, a carpenter of the word”
18.40 Franco Giannoni reads Raffaello Brignetti
6.50 pm Paolo Ferruzzi: “Some ideas for a Literary Park”
7.00 pm Noemi Paolini Giachery, essayist: “Brignetti, the sea, the island and the impossible identification”
19.10 Santina Berti, Councilor for Culture of Marciana Marina: “Raffaello Brignetti, one of us”

Chestnut Festival – 15th National Competition for Chestnuts, Chestnuts and Chestnut Flour: Sweets

On Saturday 23 October 2021 in Marciana, Elba Island, the 15th National Chestnut Brown and Chestnut Flour Competition will take place: I Desserts.

The now famous gastronomic competition this year arrives in the ancient Elban village renowned for its chestnut groves thanks to the collaboration between Municipality of Marciana and the Città del Castagno Association. The race inaugurates the “Chestnut Week”, the event that between 23 and 31 October will animate Marciana , Poggio and surroundings with numerous gastronomic, environmental and cultural initiatives. The competition aims to help disseminate the peculiarities of typical products, in order to awaken the interest of consumers, restaurateurs, gastronomes, pastry chefs, etc. and consequently raise the level of gastronomic knowledge and the potential of local productions. The competition also aims to enhance the recipes received by promoting their dissemination. Another goal of the day is to create an opportunity for dialogue and cultural comparison by relating the local community with experiences also coming from realities similar to that of Marciana. We invite all the population to get involved and participate by submitting their “homemade” products to a dedicated jury. The venue of the competition will be the Collegiate Church of San Sebastiano in Marciana. There are 2 categories: Professionals, with pastry shops, restaurants, ovens, etc. that will come from all over Italy, and Non-Professionals, and 2 sections, “Desserts with a spoon” and “Cakes, biscuits and leavened sweets”. Registrations are open until October 20, 2021 and food will be delivered on October 23 from 8.30 to 10.00 at the Collegiate Church of San Sebastiano in Marciana. Two juries made up of gastronomic experts, industry journalists, representatives of the National Chestnut City Association, and representatives of the organization who will select the winners for each category and section. Then in the afternoon at 4.30 pm the award ceremony in Piazza For di Porta a Marciana.

The competition aims to help disseminate the peculiarities of
typical products, in order to awaken the interest of consumers, restaurateurs, gastronomes,
pastry chefs, etc. and consequently raise the level of gastronomic knowledge
and the potential of local productions. The competition also aims to
enhance the recipes received by promoting their dissemination.


  • From 8.30 to 10.00: preparation delivery at the Collegiate Church of San Sebastiano in Marciana.
  • Between 13.00 and 15.30 there will be a guided excursion in the
    surroundings of Marciana and to the Casa del Parco (interactive and multimedia
    environmental education center) with free admission.
    Reservation required by October 20 via the
    registration form or by sending an email to: staffsindaco@comune.marciana.li.it.
  • 4.30 pm: Awarding of the winners in Piazza For di Porta a Marciana


Open accommodation facilities in the surrounding area:

Hotel Belmare
Patresi – Marciana

Hotel Villa Rita, loc. Colle d’Orano
EMAIL: info@villarita.it
WEB: www.villarita.it
TELEFONO: +39 0565 908095, +39 334 5922988

Hotel L’Ogliera, loc. Pomonte
EMAIL: info@hotelogliera.it hotelogliera.elba@gmail.com
WEB: www.hotelogliera.it
TELEFONO: +39 0565 906010/12, + 39 338 9710453

Hotel Corallo, loc. Pomonte
EMAIL: info@elbacorallo.it
WEB: www.elbacorallo.it
TELEFONO: +39 0565 906042, +39 335 7762825

Casa Vacanze Da Angiolina, loc. Sant’Andrea
EMAIL: angiolina@elbalink.it
WEB: www.daangiolina.isoladelba.it
TELEFONO: 331 8819333

Chestnut Festival Regulations

Art. 1 Theme
Theme of the gastronomic competition for the 2021 edition is: “THE SWEETS” made with
chestnuts, chestnuts and chestnut flour.
Art. 2 Participation
Participation is free. Individuals, associations or other entities,
restaurants, chefs, pastry shops, etc. can participate. through the registration to be sent
to the Association. You can present one or more desserts, with traditional recipes or
personal elaborations.
It is mandatory to indicate the complete list of ingredients and the recipe, which must
be provided at the time of delivery of the dessert .
Art. 3 Categories
The categories to which participants can register are as follows:
The desserts presented will be divided into two sections:
• SPOON SWEETS (eg Semifreddo, Mousse, Ice Cream, Cream, Mont Blanc,
Zuccotto, Chestnut Cake, Tronco, Pudding, Meringue, Pralines) Cakes, Tarts, Soft cakes, Mantovana,
Castagnaccio, Pancakes, Biscuits, Chattering, Pastries, Strudel)
Art. 4 Sending the desserts
The desserts must be delivered to the Collegiate Church of San Sebastiano in
Marciana on Saturday 23 October from 8.30 to 10.00.
The tastings of the Juries will start from 12.00. Art. 5 Jury and judging criteria
The preparations and recipes will be evaluated by two special juries (professionals and non
professionals), each made up of 3 to 5 members (gastronomic experts, sector
journalists , representatives of the National Chestnut City Association, and
representatives of the organization.
The Jury at its sole discretion will evaluate the presentation, the gustatory aspects,
intensity of the perception of the chestnut, based on according to specific criteria and
scores indicated in the evaluation forms.
Art. 6 Awards
The awards ceremony will take place at 4.30 pm, as soon as the judges’ evaluations in
Piazza For di Porta a have finished. Marciana. The first three classified in each
category – prof./not prof. – will be awarded and a certificate of
participation will be given to all participants.
Art. 7 Rights
Participants in the event transfer all rights concerning the recipes, materials, photographs, etc. also for any
publications or other uses.
Art. 8 Registration
Registrations must be sent by email with the appropriate form signed by
no later than 12.00 on Wednesday 20 October 2021 for the attention of
Presidente@cittadelcastagno.it and in copy to: staffsindaco@comune.marciana.li.it.
Art. 9 Covid Rules
All the activities of the Competition will take place in compliance with the Covid rules in force.
For information:
Ivo Poli, President National Association of Chestnut Town , tel. 3333119780

Capoliveri Legend Cup 2021

The Capoliveri Legend Cup is a mountain bike race,

Elba Capoliveri Legend Cup 2021
Elba Capoliveri Legend Cup 2021

which takes place in Capoliveri Elba Island,

Sunday 3 October 2021 will take place the twelfth edition of the Capoliveri Legend Cup World Edition “, the day after the UCI MTB Marathon World Championships strong>, It will be a truly “ WORLD ” edition.

S you are ready to get involved in ENTERING THE LEGEND “?

At the twelfth Capoliveri Legend Cup you will breathe a special air. The prestigious Elban race will take place on Sunday 3 October, the following day the UCI MTB Marathon World Championships which will bring to Capoliveri all the best world specialists in the Marathon sector and many in the Cross Country.

There will always be two itineraries proposed, partially modified compared to previous editions. The Marathon will go through almost all the new segments proposed for the UCI MTB Marathon World Championships .

The Capoliveri Bike Park is already working on the rich program of the three days, we will soon reveal the first news and we will notify you of the opening date and registration procedures. You start marking the date on your calendar, 3 October 2021 will still be a legendary day with the Capoliveri Legend Cup World Edition !

After the news RAI of the 2020 edition, the images produced by Mtb Channel , with a cut that reveals the magic of Legend , with its “behind the scenes”. You too could be among the protagonists….

Elba Capoliveri Legend Cup 2021
 Capoliveri Legend Cup 2021

The twelfth edition of the Capoliveri Legend Cup “World Edition” opens the registrations, secure your place on the grid for this “WORLD” event! Are you ready to get involved to “ENTER THE LEGEND”?

The wait is over, on Wednesday 20 January registration opens for the twelfth edition of the Capoliveri Legend Cup, which will take place on Sunday 3 October, called “World Edition” because it will take place the day after the UCI MTB Marathon World Championships. Precisely for this reason the Elban event will really have the flavor of the world event and will certainly be a weekend full of emotions, for participants and the public.
The registration fees for the 2021 edition will be as follows: • € 65.00 from 20.01.2021 to 31.03.2021 online • € 80.00 from 01.04.2021 to 31.07.2021 online • € 95.00 from 01.08.2021 to 27.09.2021 online and 01- 02.10.2021 at the race secretariat • € 110.00 fixed fee for the tandem category valid only for the Classic 50 km route , provided that the amount previously paid is congruous with respect to the fees provided for this year. Otherwise, they will receive from the O.C. an e-mail requesting the balance, which will indicate the amount and method.
Special prices will be reserved for subscribers of the Coppa Toscana and Rampitek circuits. Also available advantageous combined with: • “The Legendary Races” with Dolomiti Superbike • “Sea to Sky MTB Challenge “with Ironbike-Ischgl (AUT) •” Elba MTB Challenge “with Conquistadores Cup •” The Best Island MTB Marathon “with Etna Marathon
Hurry up to register for the Capoliveri Legend Cup World Edition, registrations will close at reaching 2,500 participants, do not miss the opportunity to “ENTER THE LEGEND”!

Capoliveri Bike Park: www.capoliverilegendcup.it
Information: info@capoliverilegendcup.it

Elba Marathon 2021

The 5th edition of the Elba Marathon will start on October 3 at Marina of Campo.

Competitive races: Marathon – Half Marathon – 10 Km To participate in competitive races, it is necessary to complete the registration form and continue online via EnterNow, or by downloading and returning the completed form in its entirety. You will then be asked for some information and the competitive medical certificate for athletics valid on the date of the event.

No competitive races: Nordic Walking – Family Run – 10 km For non-competitive races, it is sufficient to fill in the request form with the declaration of responsibility, with which the conditions of the regulation are accepted. Payment for the tender will be made on site.

The Elba Island Marathon is organized by the Asd Elba Runners Sports Association, a race which, thanks to the popularity of the oldest sport in the world, has already become one of the most popular sporting events on the island from the very first editions. from all over Italy, Europe and the world, (professional athletes, amateur sportsmen, walkers, enthusiasts, tourists, families, etc ..).

Elba Marathon 2021

The routes are designed for each individual participant: a classic of 42 km and 195 meters, that of the “Half Marathon” of 21 km and 97 meters, the 10 km for non-competitive, the 5 km family run and Nordic Walking. All the routes cross the most scenic areas of the island.

The races will all start from the seafront of Marina di Campo, a well-known seaside resort famous for its beautiful sandy beach.

The arrival of all the races will be in Marina di Campo, at the town square where the Marathon Village will also be set up. Marina di Campo is the most touristic and equipped town on Elba and offers various attractions as well as a wonderful beach.




10.00-13.00 / 15.00-19.00 : Registration office opens for all competitive and non-competitive competitions (Piazza del Comune Marina di Campo)

10.00-12.00 / 14.30-19.00 : Bib collection (marathon, half marathon, 10 km and non-competitive Nordic walking and family run)

15.30 : Entertainment with Radio Bruno

17:00 : Top Runner presentation

18.00 : Breafing race

SUNDAY 03/10

7.30 : Registration office opens for all competitive and non-competitive competitions (Piazza del Comune di Marina di Campo)

8.00 : Meeting at Piazza del Comune (Marina di Campo) and beginning of the entertainment of Radio Bruno

8.15 : registration closes

9.00 : start of marathon, half marathon, 10 km (compet. and non-compet.), Nordic Walking and Family Run

12.30 : entertainment with Radio Bruno (Piazza del Comune di Marina di Campo)

13.30 : start of the awards ceremony (absolute + categories of marathon and half marathon)


DEPARTURE: Nomellini seafront, intersection with via Genova (Marina di Campo)

ARRIVAL: Piazza del Comune Via Roma, Marina di Campo


  • always maintain the direction of travel during your race, after disqualification ;
  • follow the directions of your color to avoid the risk of taking the wrong route.


SHOWER SERVICE impossible for covid

LUGGAGE DEPOSIT Free surveillance service of the bags containing the personal clothing of the athletes in the finish area in Marina di Campo (Piazza del Comune).

SPONGING in 3 points (marathon), 1 point for the half marathon.

PACERMAKER SERVICE (marathon only)
-3h30 (4’58 “km) -4h (5’40” km) -4h30 ′ (6’24 “km) -5h (7 ‘ 06 “km) – 5h30 ′ (8’36” km).


DIPLOMA OF PARTICIPATION print from the Tds website www.tds-live.com


For further clarifications or general info +39 349 2685368 maratonaelba@gmail.com

Memories and anecdotes of the Island of Elba

Napoleonic evening in Marciana Marina, Friday 6 August at 9:45 pm Gianfranco Vanagolli presents the book by André Pons: Memories and anecdotes of the Island of Elba

The cultural review “Napoleonic Echoes in Marciana Marina” continues, as part of the events of the Marinese Summer 2021 organized by the Municipality and the Pro Loco of Marciana Marina.

Friday 6 August, at 9.45 pm, at the new headquarters of the Pro Loco in Piazzale Bernotti (under the Tower, next to the Fenicia beach) Gianfranco Vanagolli, with the participation of Patrizia Lupi, President of the Pro Loco and Leonardo Preziosi, President of Italia Nostra Arcipelago Toscano, he will present the book by André Pons Souvenirs et anecdotes de l’Ile d’Elbe.

Released in Paris in 1897, it saw its first Italian edition in 2014, edited by Gianfranco Vanagolli, for the types of the Publishing House Le Opere ei Giorni di Roma, and the second, in this 2021 thanks to the commitment of Italia Nostra Tuscan Archipelago, with the Vittoria Iguazu Editora of Livorno.

The Ponsian Memories represent the most exhaustive and articulated account of the ten months of the island as an independent state and the intense activity of its sovereign, at the center of a small court composed of Madame Mère, her sister Paolina, the generals Bertrand, Drouot and Cambronne, as well as a crowd of dignitaries, all committed to perpetuating if not the pomp, at least the decorum of the Parisian palaces. It will be remembered, moreover, that the great Corsican kept the title of emperor here, of which he will instead be deprived in S. Elena.

The author of the work was, at Elba, administrator of the iron mines, which is the most important local economic resource. In this capacity he did not occasionally frequent the sovereign, whom he distrusted before becoming a loyal collaborator and following him to France for the Hundred Days, during which he was prefect of the Rhone department.

the event will take place outdoors with free admission.