Elba: Fishing with taste in Marciana Marina


Fishing with taste: fishing and fishermen in the lands of the Etruscans

It is essential to learn how to manage an enormous wealth, that of the sea, making a respectful use of it, because it is a source of life and work, where man can draw resources in full respect of the environment ”.

With these words Marco Mantovani, president of the Isola d’Elba Foundation kicked off the work of the second appointment of “ Pesca con Gusto: fishing and fishermen in the lands of the Etruscans” a Marina di Campo on the theme “Professional fishing in the Elba and in the Tuscan Archipelago: history, current events and perspectives”. Patrizia Lupi, Director of the Foundation, illustrated the five days held starting from April 14th for five consecutive Fridays until May 12th, in the five maritime municipalities of the island , to decline a series of issues related to the sea and its protection, the fishing professions, the culture and food and wine traditions that see their strong point in the catch and local products.

Fishing with Taste: project, created by the Elba Island Foundation and the San Leopoldo Cooperative

The project, carried out on Elba by Isola d’Elba Foundation and by Cooperativa San Leopoldo, is part of a series of actions carried out in Tuscany by Cittadella della Pesca soc. coop., the first organization of fish producers in Tuscany, involved in the development of the Participatory Local Strategy of the Flag Costa del Etruschi, the coastal action group set up under the EMFF program 2014-2020 operating in the fisheries and aquaculture sector.

Onlus Elba Island

The works were opened by the significant documentary dedicated to the traditions but also to the future of fishing with interviews with fishermen from Elba, thanks to the narration and direction of Carlo Gasparri, head of the environment commission strong> of the Foundation.

2nd conference "Pesca con Gusto" in Marina di Campo on the island of Elba

Andrea Bartoli, vice president of Confagripesca Confcooperative entered the specifics of the topics, explaining the most urgent needs of a sector where two things are fundamentally necessary: ​​a clean sea where you can continue fishing and a port where you can keep the boats in safety, for example with the positioning of catenaries, but also for ground services and for the transfer of any waste and plastics collected during operations.

ACLI Fishing Cooperative of Marina di Campo

The conference was moderated by Avv. Daniela Addis, of the Ambiente&Mare law firm and President of the newborn “Generazione Mare”, a professional association that brings together the numerous professions linked to the sea and the blue economy. Alessandro Rosselli, Secretary General of the Regional Port Authority, the only example in Italy of a Regional Authority, born to create synergies between the territory, administrators and operators, illustrated the work program carried out and in programming in the port of Marina di Campo.

Fishing boats Marina di Campo Elba Island

Campo – declared Rosselli – is a positive model of institutional collaboration with the maritime authority and the municipal administration, with which an agreement has also been signed regarding the maintenance of the works. There are critical issues that must be overcome, for example the positioning of ecological islands for waste found in the sea in order to realize sustainable and virtuous models and guarantee resources for future generations”.

The experience of the fishermen was brought by Francesca Anselmi of the ACLI Pesca Cooperative of Marina di Campo who over the years it has developed a series of collateral activities to fishing which have also made it successful in the tourism sector. “We are 5 members with 5 fishing vessels and 15 employees, a smaller reality but not only with an economic impact on the territory – said Anselmibecause it is sustainable fishing and therefore low-impact. An economic activity capable of making the territory known and which safeguards our common home, the sea, to protect and respect it

Retracing the maritime tradition of Elba

Giorgio Giusti has retraced the seafaring tradition of Elba, and of Campo in particular, with precious historical documents, reconstructing the roots of many families of Sicilian, Lazio or Campania origin, who settled on Elba in the 20th century and still an influential part, also in cultural terms, of the Campese community. Prof. Daniela Mainenti, Professor of Comparative Criminal Procedure Law and General Manager of the YMCA Italia Foundation where she founded the Department of the Sea, and Vice-President of the Association Generazione Mare, spoke, as an expert in illegal fishing, of the good rules to be adopted to protect the “Good Sea, from the moment of fishing to the correct consumption of the catch. Specifically the CF(CP) Santo Altavilla , commander of the Capitaneria di Portoferraio, described the role of the Coast Guard not only for the protection of the marine environment but also for preventing illegal acts and for safeguarding the profession by referring to the administrative discipline of the crews and the titles to be able to exercise the activity.

The role of women in the fishing world

The role of women in the world of fishing, fundamental above all in the management of the company on land, often of a family nature, was told by Annalisa Malfatti, who brought the experience of OP Cittadella of Fishing. “The goal of our fishing community is to make fishing enterprises sustainable – declared Malfatti – how to fish less but maintain an attractive economic level also for future generations, minimizing the supply chain that sees actors who speculate on the trade of fish, while fishing companies must become capable of directly organizing distribution to the markets“.

Malfatti also recalled the centrality of training and skills in giving perspectives to young people since one of the problems in the sector is precisely the shortage of personnel. You also highlighted the role of women and the need to encourage their presence through female empowerment which leads to experimenting with the many professions of the sea. Isabella Buttino, ISPRA researcher, spoke about the depletion of marine resources and how the world of research can propose alternative solutions to meet food needs, for example through the Sea Farms. CNR researcher Andrea Dini spoke about the marine biodiversity of the Tuscan Islands derived from their incredible geodiversity, describing the evolution of the Archipelago environment through the geological history of the Mediterranean.

The UNESCO MAB Biosphere and sustainable fishing

And finally Filippo Lenzerini, consultant MAB Biosphere Reserve UNESCO Islands of Tuscany who described the international network of UNESCO MAB Biosphere Reserves and their commitment to sustainable fishing, launching a heartfelt appeal to local communities, Institutions and regional and national governments to adopt all those measures that preserve the marine and terrestrial habitats of fragile territories such as those of the islands and the coasts of the peninsula.

2nd conference "Pesca con Gusto" in Marina di Campo on the island of Elba

The presence of the students of the ITCG Cerboni Agricultural Institute, led by Alessandro Petri , was much appreciated by all the speakers and the public, who asked and obtained the opportunity to follow “on field” lessons outside the box but in direct contact with sea professionals: training experience to bring them closer to the professions of fishing and the agricultural world.

The quality of Elba fish

The meeting closed with a highly appreciated demonstration of the quality of Elba’s fish through the products and dishes prepared by the Aclie Pesca di Campo Cooperative, evidence of how fishing is an important sector also as a support to tourist reception for a sustainable tourism that requires genuine and 0 km products. Tasting the excellent wines of the “le Sughere di Montefico farm is equally appreciated as with the white from Elba, the Ansonica Miniera, and the excellent Aleatico accompanied the traditional dishes and desserts of the Panificio Nocentini.

Next appointment Fishing with taste in Marciana Marina

Next elban appointment dedicated to Fishing Friday 28 April at Marciana Marina, starting at 9 am ,30 at the Cinema Metropolis in Via Vadi where we will talk about the protection of the marine environment but also about the environmental and economic sustainability of professional fishing. In addition to Andrea Bartoli, animator and organizer of the events for the San Leopoldo Cooperative, the mayors of Marciana Marina and Marciana, Gabriella Allori and Simone Barb i, the delegate of the Coast Guard, the President of Generazione Mare Daniela Addis, the president of PNAT Giampiero Sammuri, Paolo Sartor researcher of the Interuniversity Center of Marine Biology, Andrea Porchera director of the Marine Protected Area Secche della Meloria, Manuela Fabbri, President of the Basta Plastic at Sea association.

The meeting is open to citizens who will be able to appreciate the buffet based on the products of Coop Acli Pesca accompanied by wines from Roberto Battani Farm in Marciana Marina.

The program of the appointment in Marciana Marina to talk about the sea

Marciana Marina Fishing with taste: fishing and fishermen in the lands of the Etruscans