Fishing with taste: five appointments on Elba to talk about the sea

Fishing with taste: fishing and fishermen in the Elban lands of the Etruscans

Five days starting from 14 April for five consecutive Fridays until 12 May, in the five maritime municipalities of the Elba Island, to present a series of topics linked to the sea and its protection, to the fishing professions, to the culture and food and wine traditions which see their strong point in the catch and local products.

Onlus Elba Island

The occasion is that of the series of meetings “Fishing with taste: fishing and fishermen in the lands of the Etruscans”. The project, carried out on Elba by the Elba Island Foundation and the San Leopoldo Cooperative, is part of a series of actions carried out in Tuscany by Cittadella della Pesca soc. coop., the first organization of fish producers in Tuscany, involved in the development of the Local Participatory Strategy of the Flag Costa del Etruschi, the coastal action group established under the EMFF 2014-2020 program which operates in the fisheries and aquaculture sector, involving numerous public and private subjects in numerous Tuscan coastal towns.

The fish product of the Island of Elba

The objective of the program is the enhancement of the local fish product, the incentive of the short supply chain as well as the training and information to the consumer on the main fish species of our seas, on their use and on their seasonality, on the various fishing methods and on the traditions and on the between professional fishing and sea protection.

Fishing with taste: five appointments on Elba to talk about the sea, fishing and fishermen in the lands of the Etruscans

Opportunities for public discussion, information and promotion aimed at citizens, professionals, schools and tourists are foreseen on issues relating to professional fishing in Elba, Tuscany and nationally (historicity, types of fishing, processing of the catch, use in cooking , enhancement of poor fish, new fishing methods) as well as on fish products (seasonality, lesser-known species, type of seabed) and on the relationship between fishing and the marine environment. In conjunction with the public events, show cooking dedicated to the local fish and agri-food supply chain will also be organized by local fishermen. Some didactic-educational workshops on the world of fishing and the sea have already been held, with great success, for elementary school children at the Casa del Duca complex in Portoferraio.

With the participation of representatives of institutions at national, regional and local level

A dense program of works which sees the participation of representatives of institutions at national, regional and local level, of the business world and the third sector, trade associations and cooperatives. Citizens, experts and public administrators will talk about the Salvamare Law, abandoned networks and marine litter, marine protected areas, local history, biodiversity and geology, consumer education and conscious consumption, food and wine, including land products and viticulture, training in the professions of the sea and agriculture, tourism and sustainable development.

The program of five appointments on Elba to talk about the sea

Fishing with taste: five appointments on Elba to talk about the sea, fishing and fishermen in the lands of the Etruscans

There are many local collaborations in support of the project, both in the organizational phase and for the promotion of the event, also through tastings of local products, during show cookings, open to conference participants, offered by Elba companies. To find out more, you can download the program from the Fondazione Isola d’Elba website www and Cittadella della Pesca OP

For information

Patrizia Lupi +39 339 6974753 –

Andrea Bartoli +39 331 8358902