Monte Perone in mountain bike Elba Island


Length 18 km
Duration 2 30 minutes
Total ascent 654 m
Total descent 654m
Highest point 622 m
Lowest point 27 m

Type: 30% on asphalt; 70% on dirt
Difficulty: medium-high (requires good training)

Mountain Bike Elba percorso Monte Perone

Given the morphology of the area, this excursion is particularly suitable for trained bikers. 200 meters after accessing the splendid Paolina beach along the Provincial road to Marciana Marina, at about 200 meters after the entrance to the beautiful Paolina beach, you’ll find an unpaved road that will take you to Redinoce and its small group of houses

Our Lady of Good Counsel

After Redinoce, you will come to the localities of Campobagnolo and Lavacchio passing from Our Lady of Good Counsel and after passing the restaurant ‘Da Luigi’, turn left onto trail N. 43. This trail leads into a beautiful forest of chestnut trees and then continues through another forest of arbutuses and ilexes up a steep hill. It sometimes needs to be tackled on foot.

The Gulf of Marina di Campo seen from M. Perone

At the end of the trail, you will reach a paved road that connects Poggio with Sant’Ilario. Go left and you will come to the panoramic trail of Mount Perone, 630 m. above sea level. Resting under the cool pine-trees, you may admire the coast that stretches from Marina di Campo to the Costa dei Gabbiani.

From the top of Monte Perone , start going downhill onto the unpaved road N. 5 that runs along Fosso Campotondo and reaches Sant’Ilario (207 m. above sea level). You will reach a fork: go left (if you go right, you will enter the village) and continue along the unpaved road. After about 1.5 kms, there will be a detour on the left, take it and after several ups and downs you will return to Redinoce.

The Procchio Bay

Alternatively, instead of taking the detour, another option would be to continue along the main road. After about half a kilometre, you’ll reach Mount Castello; from there, you can still admire the remains of an ancient Etruscan fortress.