Coast of Tuscany and Archipelago Islands

Coast of Tuscany and Archipelago Islands Elba Island

The Project, coordinated since 1998 by the Province of Livorno, has set itself from the beginning the goal of promoting the Tyrrhenian coast as a unique product capable of enhancing the particularities that characterize it, while preserving and enhancing all the diversity that enrich this territory that goes from the mouth of the Magra to the Lazio border.

Stretch of coast Le Sprizze Procchio

The coast of Tuscany and the islands of the Archipelago is therefore configured as an innovative tourist product that does not represent the simple sum of the promotional initiatives of the various local realities, which in any case will continue to have a life of their own, but capable of enhancing the cultural and environmental resources of greater tourist appeal, to qualify a very diversified system of reception facilities, to connect the coast with its immediate hinterland, rich in artistic, historical and naturalistic treasures, through paths and itineraries.

From 1 March 2007 the Project has been transformed into a Tuscan Coast and Archipelago Islands Product, becoming one of the eight Thematic Tourist Products of the Tuscany Region.

Coast of Tuscany and Archipelago Islands
Coast of Tuscany and Archipelago Islands

The institutional partners, who on that occasion signed a Memorandum of Understanding for Product Innovation ‘Costa di Toscana and Isole dell’ Archipelago ‘are: the Tuscany Region, the regional Trade Associations Confcommercio and Confesercenti, the five coastal Provinces (Massa Carrara, Lucca, Pisa, Livorno and Grosseto) , the five Chambers of Commerce, the capital municipalities of Massa, Pisa, Livorno and Grosseto and 13 coastal municipalities (8 are the municipalities of the Island of href=”/?page_id=54737″> Elba ).

Tuscany Promotion Agency and coastal APTs

The Tuscany Promotion Agency and the six coastal APT signed the first annual Framework Program Agreement in 2007 to agree on integrated communication, promotion and marketing support actions throughout the territory of the Tuscan coast.

The Control Room for the Costa di Toscana and Archipelago Islands Product has been set up and is made up of a representative of the individual subscribers of the Protocol and of the Framework Program Agreement, as well as of the coastal tour operators.

The control room represents the functional connection tool to give impetus to initiatives and projects for product innovation Coast of Tuscany and islands of the Archipelago and for to contribute to the better organization of the components of the coastal tourist offer and to the creation of innovative tourist products.

Coast of Tuscany and Archipelago Islands

Coast of Tuscany and Archipelago Islands