Stella Fortress

Fortress Stella and Fortress Falcone Portoferraio

Stella Fort is a part of the imposing fortification desired by Cosimo dei Medici as a defense from pirate attacks. It was built in 1548 on one of the two hills above Portoferraio (on the other is located Falcon Fort) This position confers domination over the whole bay and a great part of the surrounding territory. The panoramic vista from the Fort is truly spectacular.

Fortress Stella sentinel of the Darsena Medicea

Stella Fortress is a coastal fortification erected on the promontory of Portoferraio (island of Elba), dominion and sentinel of the town, the Darsena Medicea and the entire bay .

The imposing starry fortified structure is surrounded by mighty walls covered with bricks. The entire complex is equipped with numerous passages and underground areas, which in the past could have been used as emergency shelters in the event of an enemy attack from the sea. At the top of the fortress there are the five corner bastions, which have also preserved part of the original sentries’ sentries.

The Fortress project by Camerini

The fortified complex was built in 1548, on a project by Giovanni Camerini and Giovan Battista Belluzzi, to carry out sighting and defense functions desired by the Medici, which characterized the Elban town and consisted of the set of various fortified structures that in fact, they made the place impregnable.

Auf der Nordseite von Festung Stella befindet sich der Leuchtturm von Portoferraio, er ist 25 m hoch auf einem zylindrischen Turm, ein runder Turm, der 1788 von den Lothringen gebaut wurde, um die Anwesenheit des Vorgebirges vor dem Hafen anzuzeigen .

Within the fortified complex there are various buildings, which in the past housed the powder magazine, the armory, storage warehouses, the garrisons’ lodgings and a hospital garrison; a chapel was also built among them as a place of prayer for the sentries who served at the fort.

360° View

360 ° view of Stella Fortress

How to reach Fort Stella

Fort Stella is located above the historic center of Portoferraio , overlooking the tourist port.

Location Fort Stella (Portoferraio)

Museums in Portoferraio

Civic Archaeological Museum of Linguella : loc.Linguella tel. 0565 937370
Foresiana Municipal Art Gallery: Napoleon climb tel. 0565 937371
Villa Romana of the Caves: loc. The caves

Napoleonic Museums: Villa of the mills tel. 0565 915846
Villa di S. Martino tel. 0565 914688

Fortress Falcone

Volterraio Castle : Info Park Tel. +39 0565 908231