San Martino mountain bike Elba Island


Length 8.7 km
Duration 1 h
Total ascent 105m
Total descent 105m
Highest point 303 m
Lowest point 198 m
Type: 100% dirt road
Difficulty: medium

At Colle Reciso (halfway between Lacona and Portoferraio) where the stone quarries are, take the unpaved road to the right entering the Mediterranean bush with its strong scents of wild rosemary, sage, strawberry-tree and lentisk, all typical plants of the Elba. Continuing along this totally unpaved road you will see to your right, on a small round hill, the small church of Santa Lucia (you can reach it on foot on track No.66).

Further along the unpaved road, after about 3 kilometers, on the left you will see the old windmill, today completely abandoned and from which you can see the two sides of the island (north and south): the Gulf of Portoferraio with its Medicean fortresses (Forte Stella, Forte Falcone, Forte Inglese) on one side, and the Gulf of Lacona and its famous beach on the other side. Back on the track, you will come to a fork: take to the right where the road goes uphill inside a firebreak and once at the top you may admire the Gulf of Procchio.

San Martino mountain bike Isola d' Elba