“Fragile Friends” Party for all the boys and volunteers of the Elba Island project


Fragile Friends and Christmas Party at the Circolo degli Artisti at the Gran Guardia in Portoferraio

Portoferraio, Elba Island, 14 December 2022. The Amici Fragili project ends with the Christmas Party at the Circolo degli Artisti located in the Gran Guardia of Portoferraio. It will be held on Monday 19 December starting at 3 pm. The entire Elba community is invited to participate together with the children enrolled in the three workshops, their families and volunteers. The experience, which lasted three months, will be told by the protagonists and the results will be shown thanks to a photographic report by Manuela Cavallin and other authors, which was used for a calendar dedicated to the new year which will be distributed among the participants.

Door and access passage Forte Stella Portoferraio

The Music & Danza was hosted at the Circolino di Carpani under the guidance of Antonella Colli of ADS Tip Tap One Elba. The Theatrical Activities workshop, conducted by Roberto Rossi, was hosted by the Cooperativa Arca at the Youth Center of Portoferraio >. The third workshop dedicated to Forms of Art: photography, painting, sculpture, was coordinated by Stefania Lanzani, with the collaboration of volunteers from the Pro Loco Portoferraio and the Circolo degli Artisti: Alessandro Grosso and Manuela Cavallin, and many others.

Third sector of Elba: "Fragile Friends" Open Day 2

Amici Fragili is the project dedicated to youth volunteering winners of the tender “You are Present. Con i giovani per ripartire” promosso da Cesvot e finanziato da Giovanisì – Tuscany Region, in agreement with the Department for Youth Policies and Universal Civil Service – Presidency of the Council of Ministers with the contribution of Fondazione Livorno. The leader of the project is the Isola d’Elba Foundation which has gathered the adhesions of other Third sector entities: Auser odv, Dialogo Association, Banca dell’Elba, Italia Nostra Arcipelago Toscano, Pro Loco Campo nell’Elba, Pro Loco Portoferraio, Altamarea social cooperative onlus, Ark social cooperative, WeOut Association, Incontriamoci in diversi Aps, Circolo degli Artisti Portoferraio. The partners, in addition to their own volunteers, provided venues, professionalism, services, materials for use, economic contributions and a lot of solidarity, creating a welcoming and fun atmosphere where the young participants shared experiences and emotions.

Considering the success of the initiative and the friendly and collaborative relationships that have been established between the participants and the associations, to follow up on the positive experience, some of the partners have decided to continue to keep the Forme d’Arte workshop, one day a week, at the Circolo degli Artisti. The program will be feasible thanks to a further contribution from the Isola d’Elba Foundation, the availability of the premises of the Gran Guardia and the work of the volunteers of the Pro Loco Portoferraio and the Circolo degli Artisti.

Third sector of Elba: "Fragile Friends" Open Day 1

There are many people, in addition to the partner associations, who have shared and supported the Amici Fragili project. The partner institutions and the Isola d’Elba Foundation a> hope that the experience common to the various subjects of the island’s Third sector can be repeated to enhance and expand to the participation of other associations and citizens in projects of social inclusion and protection of the great identity heritage of the island. A sincere thank you to all those who have collaborated in different ways, starting with the Nocentini Group who generously provided the catering and gifts for the Christmas party strong>, Mariano Cucca and the Graphic Center of Elba for the materials of the Art laboratory, the artists Belinda Biancotti and Sebastiano Lo Manto who helped the boys to create their beautiful artistic works, Monica Brandino and Franco Ascione as dance and yoga teachers, Claudia Lanzoni strong> and the Foresi teachers Ranieri Maionchi and Carmela Sessa for the Theater Workshop. Special thanks to all the CESVOT staff for their precious support during all the design and implementation phases of the project. Thanks also to the students, the teachers and the Dean of the Cerboni Institute Lorella Di Biagio for promoting the project to their students. To all those who have not been mentioned, and the list would be very long, the affectionate embrace of all the Fragile Friends goes because, as our boys say, “together we are all stronger”.

The Festa will be enlivened by the music of the singers Irene Mazzarri and Rosita Lazzaroni, by the karaoke of Silvana Natoli and by the choir “I Mati”. Free entry for all.

For information: Portoferraio Alessandro Grosso Circle of Artists – Patrizia Lupi Island of Elba Foundation

57037 Portoferraio (LI), Viale Teseo Tesei 12, int. 4 
