55th Rally Elba – Italian Asphalt Rally Championship

The 55th Rally Elba will take place on 21-23 April 2022

Rallye Elba 2022 Elba Island



Bettini Elba Rally 2016 Italian WRC Championship - Elba Events and Parties 2016

The route along the roads of the Island of Elba , over more than 100 km of race, with two unpublished Special Stages and still other novelties. In addition, concessions will be provided to participants in the Regional Championship, until the budget is exhausted.

The Rallye Elba 2022 has some changes. The total distance timed will be 102,740 kilometers , on a total distance of 292,320 and will be 8 , the timed special stages.

The program of the race foresees the departure from Portoferraio at 5 pm on Friday 22 April , followed by four special stages and end of the day from 11.10 pm. The next day, Saturday 23 April , four other timed engagements: exit from the night rearrangement from 9.30 and final arrival, again in Portoferraio, from 15.30.

The Relly dell’Elba 2022 is held under the patronage of the Tuscany Region, the regional Coni and the municipalities of Portoferraio, which hosts the venue of the event, Campo nell’Elba, Capoliveri , Marciana, Marciana Marina , Porto Azzurro and Rio.