Elba Island Foundation Celebrates its tenth anniversary

The Elba Island Foundation celebrates with the Elba community

The active participation of citizens and volunteering are essential elements for social cohesion and community well-being. The Elba Island Foundation faces a new course by looking with ever greater attention to the weakest sections of the population by activating collaborations with other ETS on the island of Elba to propose itself as an incubator of ideas and facilitator of initiatives in the cultural, environmental and social sectors.

To confirm this mission, on the occasion of its tenth anniversary, the Fondazione has called together important experts in social responsibility and corporate communication, sustainability and circular economy, training and social planning, coming from the academic and business world, to talk about sustainable development, social equity, active participation and business ethics.

Round Table of the Elba Island Foundation

The following will participate in the Round Table, which will be held on Saturday 4 May at 6.00 pm at the Hotel Airone in Portoferrraio:

Caterina Carletti, professor at the Swiss University of Applied Sciences, consultant for the Chamber of Commerce of Como and Lecco for corporate social responsibility.

Federico Massimo Ceschin, President Simtur – Association of sustainable tourism professionals, Ambassador of the European Climate Pact, Publisher.

Annalisa Galardi, Founder of The BraveryStore, member of the Board of Directors of the A. Olivetti Foundation, professor of business communication at the Catholic University of Milan

Alberto Improda, CEO of the Improda Law Firm, President of the Città Italia Foundation and of the Cross Route Impresa Study Centre, vice-president of Cultura Italiae and of the cultural association Entroterra.

Bruno Lo Cicero, marketing and social communication expert, consultant for Italian and international companies.

Patrizia Lupi, Director of the Isola d’Elba Foundation, Editor-in-Chief of the magazine Enjoy Elba, member of the Board of Directors of the Generazione Mare Association.

Fondazione Isola d'Elba da Sx Patrizia Lupi, Landi e Marco Mantovanie

Paolo Marcesini, President of Italia Circolare, a planning and training network for Made in Italy, sustainability and the circular economy.

Sabina Nuti, Rector of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna – Pisa, full professor of Economics and Business Management at the Interdisciplinary Health Science Centre, consultant for the European Commission, Ministries, Regions.

Giorgio Sordelli, consultant, expert in training and social planning for public bodies, ETS, volunteer service centers and banking foundations.

Dinner based on traditional Elban dishes

This will be followed by a dinner based on traditional Elban dishes, curated by chef Michele Nardi, and a theatrical show focused on the themes proposed at the round table entitled “Partitadouble – Social responsibility on stage” by and with Laura Curino, dedicated to the history of Olivetti family.

Elba Island Foundation celebrates its tenth anniversary

The invitation, with free entry, is addressed to all the authorities, members, friends and representatives of the Pro Loco, third sector bodies and Elba associations.

For information : Patrizia Lupi cell. 3396974753 – amministrazioneisoladelba@gmail.com

Onlus Isola d'Elba